Your participation is helping researchers learn about the long-term effects of the medications on reducing heart attack and stroke in people with type 2 diabetes. We truly appreciate your time and commitment to help advance care for people with type 2 diabetes.

Who is eligible to participate in PRECIDENTD?

People with type 2 diabetes who are either:

Over the age of 40 and have had a history of heart attack, stroke, or stents to open up blood vessels,


Over the age of 60 with A1C above 8, Stage 3a chronic kidney disease, or who smoke.

If these are true for you, click below to contact us!

This study lasts to 2028 because we want to see what the long-term effects of the medications are on important outcomes like heart attack and stroke.

Our study team will work with your regular health care provider to fit the study medication into your usual diabetes care. Your current diabetes medications may be adjusted.

What are the costs?

Medications and lab tests will be billed to your insurance company. Our study team will help assess your insurance coverage.

What are the rewards?

These medications can lower blood sugar, lower A1C, help with weight loss and prevent heart problems. 

You will be paid $100 for each year that you take part in the study. 

What does the study involve?

All study medications are approved by the FDA to treat type 2 diabetes.

A computer will randomly assign you to take: 

• An SGLT2 inhibitor such as Jardiance, Farxiga, Invokana 

• A GLP-1 receptor agonist such as Victoza, Trulicity, Ozempic, Rybelsus

• Or, two medications: an SLGT2 inhibitor and a GLP-1 receptor agonist

All participants will be randomized to an active drug. This study does not include a placebo group/arm.

Where can I participate?

Participating Study Locations

For contact information on each site, please visit the “Locations” tab in the menu above.

Columbia University

Duke University

Essentia Health

Johns Hopkins University

University of Missouri

Medical University of South Carolina

Vanderbilt University

Medical College of Wisconsin